Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Wednesday's Homework

Good Evening Everyone! There is a lot of activity going on now that has our class hopping. We have several ongoing projects happening this week into next week as well as assignments due this week. Please remember to bring in the following items (5th and 6th Grades) and homework:

Sketchbook or Sketch Diary (By next week's Art class--Wednesday)
$20 for Art Materials (Due Friday, August 30, 2013)

A Pillar (wax) candle (3-4 inches tall)--Please no glass or container candles (Due Tomorrow)
Your dioramas illustrating one of the bible promises of the Messiah given to Adam and Eve (Gen. 3: 15), Abraham (Gen 12:3 and Gen. 18:18), Israel by Isaiah (Isa. 9:1-2 or 6-7), or Israel by Micah (Micah 5:2). This assignment is due on Tuesday, September 3, 2013 after we return from our Labor Day Holiday (September 2, 2013).
Please study for the Memory Verse Test on Friday (Isaiah 9:6).

Social Studies:
A tea bag (only if you have it--due tomorrow)

Teach your command phrases in Spanish to someone at home :-)

Language Arts:
Please remember your Spelling Word Work for Wednesday (sentences with each Spelling Word and Challenge word) and complete your chef stories for Thursday (tomorrow)

Upper Graders (7th and 8th) also remember to bring in the following items and homework:

Sketchbook or Sketch Diary (by next week's Art Class)
$20 for Art Materials (due Friday)

Language Arts:
Spelling Word Work for Wednesday (sentences with each Spelling Word and Challenge word) and complete your chef stories for Thursday (tomorrow)

Teach your command phrases in Spanish to someone at home :-)

NOTE TO ALL PARENTS: I am sending receipts tomorrow to those parents that have already turned in funds for Art. 6th Graders: Please don't forget the Conference Wide Outdoor Education trip coming up for the first week in November. The cost is $100 and is coming due. There is a field trip to the Lowry Park Zoo approaching at the end of September. Students will be attending a Behind the Scenes class in the Zoo and will have the opportunity to earn a service credit certificate (Pathfinders/Boy-Girl Scouts). I will send permission slips and cost information next week.

Have a great evening!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Happy New Week!

I am overwhelmed by the speed at which this school year is already travelling. It has nearly been three weeks and we have already done so much! Before I get to the homework, I want to remind you that the monies for the Art supplies are due on Friday, August 30, 2013. For those of you who have already sent in your funds, Thank you! I will be sending you a receipt for the money by no later than Friday. IMPORTANT: Monies for the 6th Grade Camping trip is coming due soon! Please begin sending in the payments for the trip. The total cost is $100. Final details to come within the week.

Homework for today is as follows:


Look up and Study Memory Verse for Friday's test-- Isaiah 9:6
Look up the Definition of the word promise.


5th and 6th Grades--

We are working with words that have the Long and Short /e/ sounds. The letter combinations of /ea/, /ee/, or /e/ at the beginning of a word make the Long /e/ sound. The exceptions are words with /ie/ as in priest or /ea/ as in sweater or weapon. The combination /ie/ also normally would have the Long /i/ sound as in pie or die. Another exception is the Long /e/ sound made by /i/ or /ii/ as in ski or skiing. Be aware of which words and sounds use which vowel combinations.

1. agree
2. credit
3. heavy
4. feature
5. Genesis
6. redeem
7 weapon
8. priest
9. sweater
10. beneath
11. shepherd
12. Kentucky
13. release
14. ideally
15. freezer
16. Elizabeth
17. eastern
18. beatitude
19. Egypt
20. skiing

Challenge: squint, prophet, avalanche, parched, Bethlehem

7th and 8th Grades:

Students must complete vocabulary tiles worksheet (#3).

We are working with words that contain prefixes that denote the negative or the opposite of something(dis-, non-, un-). The best method of study is to look for the root words within each word (e.g. unshaken-- the root word is "shake", or discredit--the root word is credit)and take each word piece by piece. Some of the words have several syllables and it will be difficult to try to just spell them head on. Break the words into their distinct parts and then put them back together.

1. disability
2. nonappearance
3. unshaken
4. disobedience
5. noninvolvement (also seen as non-involvement)
6. nonconforming
7. deceased
8. dissatisfaction
9. undefeated
10. disclaimer
11. nonpoisonous
12. dehydrate
13. nondenominational
14. discredit
15. unfortunately
16. nonentity
17. disgraceful
18. deplete
19. nonrefundable
20. disregard

Challenge words are Olympics, furlough, enthusiastic, turmoil, and chauffeur.

Word work for this week (for Grades 5th through 8th):

Monday: Write Spelling words three times each for each missed word from the pre-test.
Tuesday: Define all the Spelling words and Challenge words in the list.
Wednesday: Write a sentence with each Spelling word and Challenge word.
Thursday: Spelling pre-test. Please remember to call out the words to your students and let them write the words out just as they would in Friday's Spelling test. Check for missed words and study those words. Please sign and return the pre-test.

Also, please don't forget to initial the homework notebook as they are held responsible for what is or is not in them.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Thank You Is In Order

Hi everyone! I want to thank you for your prayers today for my son, James. He is on the mend and starting to feel better. James has another day or two in the hospital, but we thank God for his healing. I want to thank 5th and 6th for maintaining good behavior this week. Remember, once the two jars are full of popcorn we will have our first pizza or pocpcorn/movie party.

There is no homework tonight, but Worship Team please remember that you are in charge of Chapel preliminaries tomorrow.

Parents, if you have birthday celebrations you are planning during the school day for your children this month, I am asking that you please give me a call, text or email so that we can coordinate the day to accommodate your party.

Check the blog tomorrow for homework and have a good night!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Homework and Spelling Word Study

Good Evening! I hope this day finds everyone happy and well. Our Spelling Words for this Week are as follows:

1. contain 11. massive
2. flavor 12. Samuel
3. cavern 13. weigh
4. break 14. Kansas
5. gasoline 15. Canada
6. painful 16. straight
7. Hannah 17. adventure
8. sleigh 18. neighbor
9. accident 19. Alaska
10. operate 20. stranger

Challenge words: sinewy, reign, predator, anointed, embankment

Parents Please note:
Spelling words either have the short /a/ or long /a/ sounds. All words starting with /a/ are making the short /a/ sound as in cat or apple or are following the CVC pattern. Notice that the long /a/ sounds are being made by vowel digraphs /ai/, /ei/, or CVCe combinations (silent e). The one exception would be the word /break/ which is not following any particular rule. Normally /ea/ would take the long /e/ sound, but in this case it says /a/ as in way.

Here are this week's word study assignments:
Monday: Please write each word (including challenge words) correctly three times each
Tuesday: Please look up and write the first definition for each word (yes, the challenge words too)
Wednesday: Please use each word in a sentence (you know by now:include the challenge words).
Thursday: Please take a Spelling Pre-Test at home (Parents call out the words and let your children spell them. Check for errors and study the missed words. Sign the pre-test paper and return Friday.
Friday: Spelling Test

You will be held responsible for all 20 Spelling words and 5 challenge words each week, so please be sure to study to show thyself approved, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed...

Happy New Week!

Alright! It's time for Week Two of School 5th and 6th Grade! Are you ready? This week we will be integrating Math and Language Arts into the schedule along with Art and Spanish. I am excited about the Specials that we will be having this year and it is my hope that you will learn a lot and enjoy these "extra" classes too.

Parents: I would like to ask you a favor. Although we are not having a Music class this year, I am asking that the funds you were planning to send in for Recorders/Xylopipes be sent in for the Art program instead. If every student brings in $20, we can have an exceptional Art program and possibly plan for some in-house field trips and events to add to the overall enrichment of the art education program. I also plan to have an art show/gallery showing off all of my students' best works and I need your help to make that happen. I will send home envelopes marked Art Program. Please return the envelopes with $20 no later than next Friday, August 23, 2013, as I need to order supplies. Thank you in advance for your help!

In Language Arts, we are using the Pathways Literature Series from Kendall-Hunt Publishers. Each month/unit there will be a different theme and corresponding book that we as a class will be reading together and exploring. This month's theme is Heroes and the name of the story that we will be using is called Shepherd Warrior by Bradley Booth. We will be reading about the shepherd boy, David, before he became king over Israel. We will be introducing new them words this week as well as our first list of Spelling words. Spelling tests will be every Friday and new lists will be given every Friday with the exception of this Monday. Students will be expected to familiarize themselves with the words using the word study techniques they will learn this week and through homework. If students do the Spelling homework each night, there is no reason to ever fail the Spelling test. Please study the words with your children and encourage them to do the assignments which will be posted on the blog each day.

Look out for tomorrow's post and have a great week!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Good Evening Parents and Students!

What's Happening Today
I've had several inquiries about which Friday this month is Tag Day. According to the Student/Parent Handbook, Tag Day occurs on every 2nd and 4th Friday of each month. The next Tag Day will be on August 23, 2013. Please be advised that this Friday is a regular uniform day and students should wear the official school uniform tomorrow. I hope this clears up any confusion.

Another issue I'd like to address is concerning P.E. today. There was a small uproar about changing uniforms after P.E. because students didn't have to last year. I have explained to my class that this year is a new year, and that there will be some changes from last year. I am a teacher new to this school (though not new to teaching) and I have my own way of doing things. Some things will be different, some will be the same. Students will be changing back into the school uniform from the P.E. uniform because our new P.E. time will be earlier than last year's time. I encourage your children to embrace change because it is inevitable with life. :-)

Both Mr. Jarvis and I have collaborated our schedules and we will begin switching classes for Math and Language Arts and Spanish on next Wednesday. There will also be art classes this year and I hope to do some exciting things with 5-8 Art including Art history, technique, and art theory.

Upcoming Events
Tag Day--August 23, 2013
Spelling Lists will start Monday August 19, 2013
No Homework Tonight!

I will post the official class schedule this weekend so that you will know when and where to find us.Sometime next week you should also be able to log in and see student grades/assignments. Don't forget: my cell number and other contact information is listed in my first Welcome post if you need to contact me.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Welcome to My Class!

Happy 2013-2014 School Year!

My Name is Chanisha Wilson, and I am so happy to be a part of your child's educational process this year.

This blog is brand new and set up to give you current information, news, and assignments. I will be adding homework assignments, project information, educational links and more on this blog throughout the week to keep you up to date with what is happening in the 5-6 grade classroom.

What's Happening Now
Today students have started their homework logs for recording the homework assignments that they will receive after lessons in class. Students will be responsible for recording homework assignments in their logs and making sure that homework is completed and assignments checked/signed off (initials) by parents, guardians, or those who help them with homework. I encourage you parents to please check the logs daily to see what has been assigned and to ensure that the work has been done properly. Please check for today's homework assignment.

Students will look up the following article/keywords on the internet:

"Couple is Suspended by SDA Church for Dancing to 'worldly secular' Music"

Read the article and prepare to discuss your views on the situation in class tomorrow.

This Week's Objectives
This week's focus has been primarily about learning and practicing procedures, safety, rules, and expectations within the school and the classroom. We have been going over the School Handbook intensely with the entire school body and with individual classes in order to ensure that students are aware of what is expected of them as they attend school throughout the year. Both parents and students will be held accountable for what is contained in the handbooks so please familiarize yourselves with the content.

Upcoming Events
Language Arts, which includes Literature, Spelling, Writing, and Grammar for grades 5-8 will be taught in my classroom as well as Spanish for grades 5-8. All Mathematics for Grades 5-8 will be taught by our principal and 7-8 grade teacher, Mr. Jarvis. Students will change classes starting next week Wednesday. There will be no music class using Xylopipes (recorders) this school year. I recognize that this is a surprising and possibly disappointing change for some; however, there is an alternative program in Music's place. I will be assisting with the Robotics Program in order to prepare the developing team for competition at Southern Adventist University in the Spring of 2014. Information for all interested students concerning the Robotics Program will be sent out by Ms. Francine Brown, the Kindergarten Teacher and Robotics Coordinator.

Contacting Me
If you need to contact me for any reason please feel free to e-mail me at my school email: and I will do my best to respond the same day. I am available to talk during school hours between 12:30 and 1:30 p.m. or after school at 3:15 p.m. If you have a pressing communication, you may text or call me on my cell (706) 315-9259.

I look forward to all that we will accomplish this year together with God and one another!