Good Evening! I hope this day finds everyone happy and well. Our Spelling Words for this Week are as follows:
1. contain 11. massive
2. flavor 12. Samuel
3. cavern 13. weigh
4. break 14. Kansas
5. gasoline 15. Canada
6. painful 16. straight
7. Hannah 17. adventure
8. sleigh 18. neighbor
9. accident 19. Alaska
10. operate 20. stranger
Challenge words: sinewy, reign, predator, anointed, embankment
Parents Please note:
Spelling words either have the short /a/ or long /a/ sounds. All words starting with /a/ are making the short /a/ sound as in cat or apple or are following the CVC pattern. Notice that the long /a/ sounds are being made by vowel digraphs /ai/, /ei/, or CVCe combinations (silent e). The one exception would be the word /break/ which is not following any particular rule. Normally /ea/ would take the long /e/ sound, but in this case it says /a/ as in way.
Here are this week's word study assignments:
Monday: Please write each word (including challenge words) correctly three times each
Tuesday: Please look up and write the first definition for each word (yes, the challenge words too)
Wednesday: Please use each word in a sentence (you know by now:include the challenge words).
Thursday: Please take a Spelling Pre-Test at home (Parents call out the words and let your children spell them. Check for errors and study the missed words. Sign the pre-test paper and return Friday.
Friday: Spelling Test
You will be held responsible for all 20 Spelling words and 5 challenge words each week, so please be sure to study to show thyself approved, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed...