Friday, October 31, 2014

October 31

October 31, 2014

Happy Friday!

I have been gone for the majority of this week to Camp WeWa in Apoka, FL. I have been considering how to best get the homework out to everyone since posting the homework for the week is not as helpful as I had hoped it would be. There are homework assignments that re-occur throughout the quarter such as Spelling work and Handwriting work. Please be aware that as long as there are spelling words posted there will be corresponding word work. Other subjects such as Science, Social Studies and Bible will have varying assignments.Occasionally there will be assignments with Language Arts, Art, and Spanish. Please check the blog daily as I will try to regularly post the assignments that come up during the week that are not re-occurring. This coming week's spelling words will be posted on Monday. Have a great weekend!

Note: Esperanza Rising dioramas are due on Monday for those who did not turn them in today otherwise the grade goes in as a zero.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

October 14-October 18

Happy New Week Everyone! Welcome back from your long weekend.  This week's homework is as follows:


Tuesday: L.A.--(5th and 6th) Create a shoe box display (diorama) of a scene from Esperanza Rising that has affected you the most (e.g. the house fire, Esperanza on the train with her mother to California, riding on the jalopy truck, Esperanza sweeping for the first time, the jamaica, etc.). Project is due next Thursday (October 23,2014)

(7th and 8th)-- Bavaria project: Students may choose one of three options: PowerPoint presentation, 3-D architectural model of a well known building of Bavaria, or a poster showing examples of the dress, culture, food and architecture of Bavaria. Project is due next Friday (October 24, 2014). following the presentation of projects there will be a celebration of Bavarian culture (Oktoberfest).

PowerPoints should be from 7-10 slides long and contain images and brief descriptions of the culture, food, clothing and architecture of Bavaria. Posters should be colorful and detailed and should only have one or two points about each section (clothing, food, culture and architecture. 3-D models can be made of foam board (easiest to use and found at  Dollar Tree) or cardboard. Students should make the displays colorful and accurate to the architecture of Bavaria. All students must submit a 1 page summary of the culture, food, clothing, and architecture of Bavaria (Germany). Please remember NOT to cut and paste information (plagiarize) and remember to cite your sources (tell where you found your information) in APA format. You may watch the video below to help you know where to put your sources and how to write your sources:

Wednesday: SS-- Look for articles on climate change in the U.S.

Thursday:SS-- Look for articles about weather anomalies (unusual events) in your region or other regions of the U.S.Bible--Study for memory verse test 6 on Friday.

Friday: Have A Great Weekend!

Monday, October 6, 2014

October 6-10

Happy New Week Everyone!

Monday:  Bible-Review Lessons 3 and 4 for the test on Friday. Be sure to know the Memory Verse Philippians 4:11-13--"I have learned how to get along happily whether I have much or little. I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. For I can do everything with the help of Christ who gives me the strength I need."

Science--Science Test on Wednesday. Please review the parts of the cell and mitosis/meiosis. Know the vocabulary and terms.

Handwriting: Lesson 4 (5th/6th) and Lesson 3 (7th/8th) Days 1-4 Due Friday.  

Spelling-Word work (5th-8th) All work due on Friday. Monday's work: Write words 5 times each: This week's words are acronyms and abbreviations: FL (Florida), AZ (Arizona), RADAR (radio detecting and ranging), hosp. (hospital), Gal. (Galatians), VIP (very important person), illus. (illustrated), CT (Connecticut), atty. (attorney), Hab. (Habakkuk), ASAP (as soon as possible), B.C. (before Christ), OR (Oregon), misc. (miscellaneous), SDA (Seventh-day Adventist), pkg. (package), Corp. (Corporation), pop. (population), ND (North Dakota), etc. (et cetera).

Tuesday: L.A. --  Write a newspaper editorial about someone "famous" or that you know very well. Look to newspapers or magazines for inspiration (Do NOT copy and paste or take words directly from articles) write in your own words. Science--Study for Wednesday's Science Test 1.Spelling-Define Spelling words

Wednesday: Art (all grades)-- Skechbook-- Create an op art sketch in your sketchbook like MC Escher.
Spanish--Look around you as you ride this week. Record any Spanish words you find on billboards and store fronts/signs and look them up in your Spanish-English Dictionary.
Spelling: Use spelling words in a sentence
SS--Review for Test 1 on Thursday.

Thursday: Bible--review Memory Verse and Lessons 3 and 4 for test on Friday. Spelling--Pretest (parents call out words and initial at end of test).

Friday: Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

September 29-October 3

Happy New Week Everyone!

Monday:  Bible-Review Lessons 3 and 4 for the test on Friday. Be sure to know the Memory Verse Ps. 100.

Science--Science Projects to be presented today!

Handwriting: Lesson 4 (5th/6th) and Lesson 3 (7th/8th) Days 1-4 Due Friday.  

Spelling-Word work (5th-8th) All work due on Friday. Monday's work: Write words 5 times each: background, grown-up, warehouse, peanut butter, home run, life-size, checkbook, headphones, campsite, headphones, root beer, trade-off, silverware, old-fashioned, first aid, ice cream, roller coaster, teammate, make-believe, thunderstorm, semi-sweet. Bonus: all right, cross-country, well-to-do, sister-in-law, air conditioner.
Tuesday: SS--  Chapter 1: Read Lesson 3 of Chapter 1 in textbook and prepare for the Chapter test on Friday. Spelling: Define Spelling Words  Science--Draw what happens as cells divide during mitosis and meiosis and answer questions at the end of the chapter (p. 39)

Wednesday: Art (all grades)-- Skechbook-- Create a sketch of your Batik you plan to paint next Wednesday and practice contour drawing of an object at home.
Spanish--Complete the worksheets on Lesson 1 about the story of the trash.
Spelling: Use spelling words in a sentence
SS--Find a news article about immigration.

Thursday: Bible--review Memory Verse for test on Friday. Make a list of people we would like to bring joy to for Friday's joy note activity. Spelling--Pretest (parents call out words and initial at end of test).

Friday: Science--Remember cell poster projects are due for groups. Have a great weekend!