Monday, December 15, 2014

December 15-19, 2014

Happy New Week Parents!

This week will be chock full of learning and activities so please do all you can to have your children here at school. We will be studying about Christmas traditions and Christmas history from around the World this week. I will send home a letter for things I would like for students to do this week to participate. We will be doing a Pre-Winter Break Celebration on Friday, December 19. Children have been asked to get a gift for his or her Secret Surprise and $3.00 for lunch from Chipotle Mexican Grill.

Monday: Vocabulary Cards: Students will write their list of vocabulary words on index cards and find the definition, write a sentence, find a synonym and an antonym, and illustrate/draw a picture if possible, of the word. 5th-6th Grade Words: intense, immense, attention, altitude, protagonist, blizzard, exhibit, combine, access, deprive (Due 12/16/14)

School-wide Spelling Bee will be the week we return from Winter Break. Students already have the words please encourage your students to continue to study and prepare for the Bee. 

Tuesday: Use Monday's Vocabulary Words to complete the following sentences (intense, immense, attention, altitude, protagonist, blizzard, exhibit, combine, access, deprive)  (Due 12/18/14):

1. If you _______________ Mentos and Coca-Cola, you create a fizzy explosion.

2. Pay__________________! You will miss important information if you talk now. 

3. Superman would be considered the ____________________ , or the hero, in this story while Lex Luther is the antagonist, or troublemaker/bad guy.

4. I cannot  _________________ this website because I don't have a login or password for it.

5. Hitler wanted to _________________ the Jews of life and liberty during the Holocaust of WWII.

6. Visiting the Holocaust Museum in St. Petersburg gave me a sense of __________________ sadness. 

7. My sister got caught in the middle of a ____________________. Her car was covered in snow and ice!

8. The __________________ of Mt. McKinley makes this mountain the highest in the world.

9. We walked through the art ___________________ at the Dali Museum.

10. Studying such sad and disturbing things like the Holocaust can be very ___________________ for young children.

Wednesday: Study for Spelling Test of Previously studied words from the semester. (Due 12/18/14). Students will identify incorrectly spelled words or words with no mistakes from a list. Spanish: Create a Christmas Card for a friend in Spanish. Art: Sketch potential faces for the mask that you would like to make (after the Break).

Thursday: Write your prediction (what you think the story is about or what is going to happen) of the story of Hana's Suitcase in your Language Arts Journal. (Due 12/19/14)

Friday: Class Party: Remember to bring in $3.00 for Chipotle Lunch and Secret Surprise Gifts for Classmates. Have a Happy Holiday and A Prosperous New Year!!

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