Monday, January 26, 2015

Happy New Week! Students are continuing to work on projects of ancient civilizations (the Maya, the Aztecs, the Anasazi and the mound builders of the Mississippi (see previous post for information).  Projects will be presented on Thursday and Friday this week.

Students will attend a field trip to the Dali Museum in St. Petersburg, FL this Wednesday, January 28, 2015.  Students should wear full school uniform, and bring a sack lunch. Please do not bring electronic devices, backpacks or liquids as they will not be allowed in the museum. Students may bring additional monies to purchase items from the gift shop or Cafe Gala. Please be sure all permission slips are turned in with the money by Tuesday, January 27, 2015.

Homework for January 26:

S.S.-- Project on ancient civilizations.
Think About It Questions p.63.
Study Spelling words for test Friday

1 comment:

  1. Good Morning,

    Could you kindly provide the spelling words for the 5th Grade.

