Monday, September 2, 2013

Happy New Week Everyone! I hope you enjoyed your LOOOOOOOOONG weekend and got some well-deserved rest. This is week four of our first quarter and we are truly in full swing. I have received about 9 students' funds for the Art Class. I appreciate your cooperation so far and I am giving everyone until this Wednesday's Art Class to bring in the remaining monies. Please remind your parents about the money and don't forget to bring your sketch diaries or sketch pads by Wednesday if you do not have them as yet. NOTE: IF (and only IF) you have old magazines (especially cooking and home decor magazines) I am asking that you bring those in by Wednesday in order for us to start our new Art project this week. We will be learning about Line (the first element of Art) especially implied line. We will be creating mosaics about some aspect of life, so go ahead and start thinking about some object or image you would like to create that has to do with life in some way or another. Your object can come from nature (eg. fish, birds, rabbits), from home ( a bowl of fruit, a baby), or from your imagination (no Anime or video games) but it must be something that pertains to life.

Spelling words (5th and 6th) this week will deal with words that have the Long or Short /i/ sounds in them. The letter /i/ short sound says /i/ as in wig, mitten or igloo. Long /i/ makes the sound as in words like ice, line, and minor (sounds like eye). Words with the Long /i/ sound are generally followed by silent /e/ and follows the CVCe (Consonant Vowel Consonant Silent /e/) pattern or /i/ is followed by another vowel as in pie, or giant. Words with short /i/ follow the CVC pattern (Consonant-Vowel-Consonant). The exceptions in this week's words would be consider, and Bible names such as Gideon and Simeon.

Spelling Words List:

1. guide
2. arrive
3. valid
4. giant
5. Indiana
6. infant
7. discuss
8. consider (cun-sid-urh)
9. sister
10. glisten
11. income
12. Michigan
13. Gideon (Gid-ee-yun)
14. lively
15. scriptures
16. divide
17. excite
18. Leviticus
19. Simeon (Sih-mee-yun)
20. silence

Challenge words this week are: lyre, courage, roving, instincts, strategy.
Follow the same schedule for Word Work as in previous posts.

Spelling this words this week for upper-graders (7th and 8th) consists of words with prefixes ab-, contra-, ob-, counter-, and ex = away from, off, against, without, down)

Spelling Words List:

1. contradiction
2. countermeasure
3. abolish
4. objection
5. counterplea
6. abrasion
7. counterproductive
8. contraband
9. extractable
10. abbreviate
11. countercurrent
12. extradition
13. counterattack
14. abolishment
15. obnoxious
16. counterintelligence
17. exfoliate
18. absorbable
19. expiratory
20. counterbalance

Challenge words for this week: stamina, hovel, exceptional, missionary, Scotland.
Follow the same schedule for Word Work as in previous posts.

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